24 janvier 2025

Happy New Year 2025, and looking back on 2024 !

 Yes it's time for a few pictures from 2024!

Here's one from the Prealps, Teysachaux area with a team of 7 people, one was left behind with a snowshoe that had fell off 😅!

Some day later, with a different group: FONDUE time, which we did ourselves after carrying all the gear, in a little hut lost in the Jura forest.

Private visit to Switzerland from Abu Dhabi, with a group of friends, sometimes 1 sometimes 2 sometimes 4!

Movie from the Diablerets area, what a thrill!

Here is another great outing on the "Dog's Back", German part of Switzerland, Gstaad country in the background.

And then, YES we also go out in stormy conditions, provided it's not raining and there's no danger of course, here is picture from a windy and snowy day and also a little movie with a CRAZY Belgian guest (hahahaha!!).

End of winter 2024, a stroll through some amazing gorges.

And then SUMMER, with some great walks in the Prealps and the Alps.

I also get time to check out new routes on my own, this one is for 2025 hopefully (good weather required for this high rise hike!-)

And then in Autumn we have a few more hikes in the mountains before turning to the vineyards of LAVAUX UNESCO, almost a tradition by now !

Check out some cool pictures of Lavaux by Yves Junod here: www.yves-junod.com.

Then comes one good November treat on the Aiguilles de Baulmes!

In December, we like going out with my friend wildlife photographer Yves, chasing Chamois in the storm!

Then it's time for end of year slow down and explorations, with visitors fro the Midlands of England, and a solo trip to my favorite spot on Mont Tendre for the New Year! See you soon!

Mont Tendre 1679 m.

14 novembre 2023

Avant l'hiver, quelques photos de l'été !

 Bonjour everyone!

Voici quelques images pour clore la saison estivale 2023, très riche et avec de magnifiques rencontres!

Le Tour du Mont Blanc (Deluxe), merci à Ella pour la semaine qu'on a guidée ensemble (https://patagoniatiptop.ch/about/) et à Alpenwild (https://www.alpenwild.com/).

En septembre, direction les Grisons! Cette fois avec un team épatant de Austin Adventures (https://austinadventures.com/). Un peu de tout au programme, et surtout bien sûr des HIKES!

De retour région Valais, un weekend dans la région du Combin, à la cabane FXB (https://panossiere.ch/fr/), juste avant le mauvais temps (enfin ... presque)!

Et pour terminer ce petit "sample" des sorties estivales (je ne peux pas toutes les mentionner, pardon à celles et ceux qui ont été oubliés...), voici qqs images d'une des dernières sorties au soleil du mois d'octobre, région Liddes.

En bonus, un souvenir laissé par Canis Lupus, à 2500m!

A bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures!